The ant (Pipilica) in the cloud sourcing platform


Crowdsource platform of the Bengali search engine ant has started. The platform will enrich the Bengali language in online and digital areas.

Professor Muhammad Zafar Iqbal Professor of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology declared the expansion of Plurphmatism in the Hall of Fame on the second day of the Digital World.

Anyone can contribute to the Bengali language on the platform. In this case, everyone will be able to enrich the Bangla language word store in the digital field. When this sound is rich, the use of Bangla language in the field of digital and online fields in the robotics sector will be much easier.

At the function, Mohammad Zafar Iqbal said, there was no software version of Bangla Textbook before. Teacher’s entrepreneur Ragib Hasan took the initiative to do the job. But it was not possible for him to work alone, all the textbooks have been created in a few months. Whenever they help together, it is called Crowdsourcing. Through this platform, everyone will be able to easily build rich Bangla word store.

He also said everyone including the people of Bangladesh is unconsciously doing crabssoosing in Google. Google has created powerful databases with information from users and it has been increasing every time. In a similar way, if everyone gives time to this platform to enrich Bengali language, then it will quickly create a nice sound store.

Many people make mistakes in writing Bangla online, rendering mistakes in a beautiful language. Expressing sorrow, Muhammad Jafar Iqbal said, if the word store is complete in the Claydoesport Platform of the ant, it can easily be corrected by checking the wrong Bangla spellings.

To join the ant Claudy Source platform, you have to go to this address.

In the ceremony, the facility of employment, e-commerce products, and books has been added in Pepper.

Note that the Piece Stile Sound Competition has been organized in the Digital World. Participating in this competition, there will be a lot of rewards.

Source: digital_world_2017

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