Developing calculator with Notepad++


For personal or professional use we are using calculator almost every day. However, have you thought to develop our own calculator? Maybe you have thought or maybe not. With necessary support from different sources of internet today, I will try to explain how to develop your own calculator with Notepad++
Now, we will carefully follow the instructions below to make our own calculator
Basic work
Write @echo off (It’s a command that will remove all unnecessary text which can create problem in your calculator).
Write -Echo, then can write ‘your name’ as the title of the new app you are about to make. The name whichever you chose will be displayed in the title bar of the app that is the calculator.
Write – ‘Color’ then after a space type code number of any color of your choice for example: 72. For adding color, you can avoid ‘echo.’ Then in the line below type “:top” and below this type “echo”.
We have completed first part of writing codes. In the following part we will work on operational process for developing calculator in Notepad++
Enter functioning
Write echo— then with a space type ‘Enter your functions’ to indicate the message that would ask users for mathematical operations to process. The utterance “Enter your functions” will be displayed in the calculator you are making right after the user opens it.
Now, write echo. Below this type the statements one below another like shown here:
set /p sum=
set /a ans=%sum%
echo = %ans%
Then write
echo Previous Answer:
goto top
After all these processes save the file as ‘.bat’ (Batch File) with the suffix “.bat” at the end of the filename to allow the calculator to run.
Asking for apologies if I missed any codes for developing calculator.
Happy Weekend!



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