You know, the internet is not web but one thing


Between 20 and 30 years ago, when you needed to find any information, then you could go to a library of books and there was information on almost any topic. But today we are doing what we are doing-sitting in front of a computer device and connecting online to find any information, which is much more powerful than any library in the world You can access this information from almost anywhere at anytime, anytime – and this is the World Wide Web. Today we are so much dependent on the web that we can not live without the web. However, this was just 20 years ago when the web was invented. But in a short span of time it has become very popular, and becomes a part of our daily lives. So let’s start by looking at all the known information about friends, the World Wide Web.

What is the difference between web and net?

Many think that the web and the internet are the same thing. And as long as you are not clear about this matter, it will not be possible to move forward in the tune. So let’s know about this issue well.

The Internet – A vast network of world wide computers. There may be a lot of work on the Internet (these are called applications) and the Web is one of those tasks. When you send an email to someone, you are using the Internet – why your message is reaching other computers through a connection. Again, when you are chatting with someone, you are still using the internet – why your messaging is repeated and sent through the network. But when you update your blog or search for something on Google, then you use the Web on the Internet. For more details about the Internet, read my article “How the Internet Works?” Article.

The World Wide Web is a great collection of text pages, digital photographs, music files, videos, and animations across the globe, which you can access on the Internet. The most important thing about the World Wide Web is that each of its information is related to each other. The most basic tool to create web pages is text pages (such as this page), also known as webpage. Many webpage collections on a computer are called websites. Each webpage (along with this page) has highlighted phrases that are called links (or hypertext links). Another link can be accessed by clicking on any link, and thus the process continues.

How do computers speak one language to each other?

The most important thing on the Internet is that every computer on the Internet can exchange information with each other. And this is the most important thing on the Internet. If back-to-back computers are seen, the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s computers had the ability to exchange information among themselves. Each machine was manufactured by different manufacturers and none was able to understand the language of another machine. In the 1970s personal computers did not have the power to run a common program. Each computer could run only those programs which were specifically written for them. Things like email and chat were then impossible.

But in the year 1980, a large computer company, IBM, earned a reputation for the development of their new personal computer. Most people cloned their computers and soon most of the personal computers started working in the same way. After that Microsoft developed a software that is named Windows. With the introduction of Windows to IBM computers, it was possible to run all the computers in the same program. But even then computers were not so easy to talk to each other. For example, large computer machines with personal computers and computers of science research could not establish relationships. So how could the computers of these different languages ​​be able to talk to each other?

This great problem is solved by an English computer scientist-named Tim Berners-Lee. In the 1980s, he worked at a European laboratory laboratory, where people from different universities of the world used to work, and everyone used to work in a different language incompatible computers. As a result, it was not possible for every human to share the information of their important research. Because their computers were not able to exchange information with each other. And then Tim Berners-Lee discovered a surprise, which made it possible to talk to each computer.

What is the difference between HTTP and HTML?

However, the previous computers were very incompatible and they used to preserve the data using the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) method. And it would have been known as “plain text”. 0-255 numbers in ASCII work as a variation of various letters, numbers, and keyboard characters such as A, B, C, 1, 2, 3,%, &, and @. Tim Burners-Lee uses two basic ASCII systems that are called protocols in the computer terminology. Then all the computers in his lab started following these two rules and he realized that the computers were able to easily exchange information between them.



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