Battery waster apps


Smartphone charges end up very quickly than feature phones. The roles of app poor apps are nothing short of it.

Antivirus software developer AVG recently released a list of some of the most popular apps responsible for consuming mobile storage as well as consuming charges.

The list of apps responsible for ending the battery charge will remain today’s features.

Candy Crush Saga

The popular game Candy Crush Saga, the fastest to finish the charge soon. According to AVG data, the app’s battery, storage, and data consensus are much more.

Pet Rescue Saga

Pet Rescue Saga is the second place in terms of battery charging. If the use of the gaming app is high, then the life of the mobile battery decreases gradually.

Clash of Clans

The third place is the Clash of Clans. The end of the battery does not make this gaming app-less.

Google Play Services

The phone’s battery, storage, and data consensus rate are high because its location is the fourth. Google Play Services is used to update Google apps and Google Plus apps.


Using the most popular social media in the world, Facebook also reduces the charge.


The messaging app uses WhatsApp to lose a large amount of charge. Look out security and antivirus by protecting the smartphone from viruses, malware, and hacking.

Weather and clock widgets

The Weather and Clock Widget app is very useful to know weather conditions for hours. But this app is perfect for ending the battery.


The popular card game also reduces smartphone battery charges quickly.

Source: Gadget Now

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