How To Get A Computer Hardware Exposure ????



How are you all? I hope everyone is in the mercy of Allah. I am fine.

Today I brought you “How To Get A Computer Hardware Expose”. If you want to be proficient in computer, you need to know everything about the computer. You will have to know about hardware and software. And always have to keep in touch with the Internet. Because the internet is currently The most educated of the time. It should be kept in mind that it is a time and relative matter.

But once you have a hunch, complex and complicated problems seem to be common to you.

1. Computer-wise, a person must have knowledge about computer parts and hardware and software.

2. Get started with a step-by-step. Windsor

Start with the operating system. Start from the basic work of Windows and continue with interest. Learn to do the work of Windows Registry with the same.

3. Then you must have full knowledge about basic programming language C. You will not miss learning in any way, otherwise it will not work.

4.Then learn how to program Windows by Visual Studio 6.0.

5. It is time to go into Linux without leaving Windows. Both Fedora or Ubunta are good options.

6. Learn to skip the right way. Try to remember the many possible commands. Then in the same way, like gedit, use the “VI” editor as its value.

7. Get ideas about computer structure and operating system structure.

8. When you have reached the top steps, you can now join a computer hardware or network course.

9. Now you are able to choose the path or topic of being a specialist yourself.

10. After completing all the steps above, you now have full knowledge about the basic Troubleshoot and almost all types of general functions of the computer. Then notice that people around you will automatically identify you as an Expert.

Do not give up in any way. It’s normal to take time to shake them.

If you try, it will be 100% better than expected.

((((Now, who will be the thick Exepert … they bring full knowledge about the subject below ..)))

What is a computer , Computer history, computer usage, computer structure system,

Hardware, software, internet, printer,

Modem, Prenadiev, straightforward all you have to know about computer.

Allah hafez


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