Youtube usage in the country increased by 98%


Youtube popularity has increased in the video viewing platform in the country. The video viewing capacity increased by 98 percent this year compared to the previous year. The issue is confirmed by Google officials. Google officials said this information at a press conference on Thursday in the capital city of ‘Datali’. Gopal Kibria, Google Head of Asia Pacific, and Country Marketing Consultant of Google Asia, Hashmi Rafsanjani, attended the conference.

At present, users prefer to watch videos rather than reading the text. There are many learning videos from Entertainment on YouTube. You can easily view videos by using smartphones. You can upload videos by liking them. According to Google Asia-Pacific Industry Head Golam Kibria, it is said that there are 40 million Internet users in the country as Google. Of which 35 percent users are using the internet every day. Video view on YouTube has increased by 98 percent compared to last year. Facebook, Twitter, and other social media use increased by 35 percent.
Note that 300 hours of video is uploaded every minute on YouTube. 500 million videos are watched every day on the medium. 38% of the YouTube viewers and 62% of male viewers More than half of viewers watch the video on YouTube using mobile devices. In the news conference, Google officials gave information about the new app called ‘Datali’ to inform users about the amount of internet data costs. They also said that Google is working to increase the country’s operations. Already the Internet giant started thinking about going to Bangladesh.
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