Occupation when network engineering


Network engineering is one of the most popular profession of the present day. According to the data provided by Career Builders and Economic Modeling Specialist International (EMSI), the highest job demand in the world in 2016, network engineering. Network engineers are also called network admins.

A network engineer is basically doing the job of looking after an organization’s computer network. However, there is a difference between work-related work. However, the core work that a network engineer has to do is maintain the network. That is to monitor the security of his organization’s computer network, whether there is any weakness in the network, to check it regularly and to get the security vulnerabilities available. Apart from this, it may be necessary to provide necessary updates, install software or provide the necessary training to the employees of the organization.

If you want to be a network engineer

If you want to come to this profession then you will need good technical knowledge. Besides, the networking sector should also have new updates, products, and software related information. Currently there are several courses on networking in the country, one of which is CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate). This course is more or less than four to six months period or more. These courses cost about 20 to 30 thousand rupees. Apart from the various training institutes, there are currently opportunities for this course at various private universities of the country. Private universities generally have one-year academic course, which is divided into four semesters for three months. At the end of every semester a certificate is available with the test, but these certificates are not a vendor’s certificate. In the country, the Local Education Academy is the BUET, Ahsanullah Science and Technology University, American International University Bangladesh, BRAC University, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Rajshahi University, United International University etc. After completing high school, these courses are admired.

Vendor testing is required to complete the vendor’s certificate at the end of the course. For CCNA, you have to take part in the vendor certification exam by submitting a prescribed fee for Cisco.

Work field

The demand for skilled workers is increasing in the country today. And there is no demand in foreign countries. A network administrator can work from a variety of telecommunication companies to a corporate organization’s IT department. The number of different telecommunication companies in the country is increasing day by day. And these institutions require a large number of network engineers. Apart from this, there are huge opportunities for network engineers in various TV channels, ISP companies and data centers.


In the field of network engineers employment in Bangladesh, the highest priority is given to the CCNA that those people have completed. Although they usually receive 15-20 thousand rupees in advance, the salary may be exceeds millions of rupees based on experience.


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