Father abandoned son’s school for gaming


Now many of them play no gambling, profession. Parents who find very little, who want to make their son video gamer.

But after the increase in the amount of video game play that has increased, many people are thinking about it again. Nowadays, the professional players of Geheimers are getting equal honors.

In some countries, a sportswoman visa is being given to participate in the gaming tournament. The universities of some countries have started giving scholarships for professional video gamers.

In the situation, Lvas Hackenson’s father, who was overwhelmed by the overhead player, has escaped him from school, making him the only professional gamer for the boy.

His father, who was released from high school for Lucas Hanson’s video game skills, has been released. However, there is also a few other reasons behind the decision.

The reason for thinking is that Lucas’s education is being resigned here. His father will say that he will be returned to school once his gaming career is standing.

The opportunities for professional gamer and sponsorship opportunities are increasing day by day. There is a debate about whether the game can be played in sports quotes, but at the same time, players willing to make a career are also increasing.

But some of the biggest athletics events in the world have been trying to add a video game to the Olympics. And if it is successful, many of us would like Baba to make a career in his son’s video game.

Source: Kotaku

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