What are the benefits of the Teletalk 4G launched in May?


In May this year, Teletalk will launch the fourth generation (FourG) service, said post, telecommunications and information technology minister Mustafa Jabbar. In response to a question written by the ruling party member Didarul Alam in parliament on Wednesday, he said this. News BSS.

Information Technology Minister Mustafa Jabber said Teletalk plans to launch four-phase service for its own financing with the cost of around two crore cities. He said that two projects are already underway to increase the subscriber base of Teletalk to increase the subscriber count. After completion of these two projects, it will be possible to provide uninterrupted third generation (3G) network coverage in upazila level.

Information Technology Minister Mustafa Jabbar said that the number of 3G subscribers in the country till last year was about 6 crore 4 lakh 19 thousand.



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