New features coming to iPhone


Many Apple-fans have broken the minds of the iPhone Tens So Apple wants to give good news to all iPhone users, not just iPhone, Apple Inc. That’s why the iPhone will be an iOS 11 supporter.
Apple is going to unveil the new version 11.3 of iOS 11 soon. The new version is adding some features that make user experience easier to use. Apple released the news on Wednesday in a notification.
Apple has been facing severe criticism recently in the leakage of old model iPhones. Apple said that the battery of those models of iPhone could not damage the processor, so it was done. So adding new features to the new iOS version. That is, if the smartphone is slow for the battery, it is now user’s desire.
Apart from this, the new version of iOS has added the facility of Health Records. The user will be able to know the physical condition of the app through the app. At the same time, medicines, health examination reports, even the condition of the allergens in the body will be known. The new version will improve Augmented Reality support. Which can identify walls or similar floors. With the help of artificial intelligence technology, it will also learn to recognize the two-dimensional object itself.
The innovation is coming in the iMessage. Business negotiations and meeting times can be set in the new version of iMessage. The Transaction App will be the new version of Apple Pay. And the new animosity character for iPhone tone users.



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