Google has removed seven million apps from the Play Store


Google has removed seven million apps from Plastor last year. Because these apps had several harmful codes. Google authorities said that as many as 70 percent of the apps were removed in 2017 compared to 2016 in violation of their policies.

Google PlayStore product manager Andrew Ann wrote in a blog post, “Not only is this the bad app removed for the first time, we have already detected bad apps and arrangements. Before applying, 99 percent of the bogus content has been identified and rejected.

The system has been strengthened to detect bad apps and to identify Google’s policy violator repeatedly. Last year, the company has also taken measures against one million app manufacturers.

Using machine learning models and methods, measures have been made to identify malware or inappropriate content.

There are many fake and fake apps that are obscured by known apps. If these apps are downloaded, the user is in trouble with data stealing. Illegal activities, such as sympathy, can detect Google’s advanced machine learning detection. Information Sua: IT Doctor



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