Find out what information is given on Facebook without knowing the results and solutions


Apparently all of us have seen on Facebook about how funny you are, whether you look like a Bollywood actor or a friend loves you secretly. Popular posts in this social media show anonymity. If you want to find answers to questions, the app wants access to your profile (Access) permission. You can also rightly give it permission by pressing the ‘alau’ button. Then those apps are analyzing your profile. You get your personal information.

Apps get Facebook username, profile picture, e-mail address etc. However, some apps also take the user’s personal message information. And the information is unknown to the user.

Developers of those apps, although the hazard is not understood immediately, these information is later used in various purposes. Prior to the US presidential election, a group of researchers gathered information about people’s ideas about Donald Trump. This is the news of the new report of The Guardian and The New York Times. It is said that researchers publish a Facebook app in the name of personality test. Through this they collect user information from Facebook. IT analysts have suggested that those apps used to be deleted from their account on Facebook.

How to solve?
It can be done in two ways. From the desktop version of Facebook or from the Facebook app. In the desktop version, go to settings from the user’s name. The app can be found on the bottom of the ‘App’, which allows users to receive information from Facebook. If you want to delete an unwanted app, keep the mouse pointer on it, the cross mark next to the app will appear. Facebook will ask for permission to remove it. Confirm that Facebook will delete the app. For Facebook’s mobile app, you need to press the ‘Options’ icon next to the notification icon. Then go to settings in settings from below settings. List of all apps will be available when you enter ‘Logged In With Facebook’ inside the app. Clicking the app that you want to delete will have the ‘Removable’ feature below it.



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