Changes “Google Chrome Interface”


Google’s own design policy is changing, its effects will also fall in the Chrome browser. Chrome Developers are currently conducting experiments with the new Material 2 interface.

Chrome browser test version of Chrome Canary’s latest updates have seen interfaceship changes. A goal has been made in the entire interface, except for the drawn line and the corners of the corner. Several things have been changed. However, no major changes have been made yet.

It is not known when this change of interface will be unveiled to everyone. Google has not yet fixed what new feature will be added or updated in the interface.

Material Design 2 will be unveiled in the next Google I / O conference in May. There you can find details. Also, Chrome and Android’s new interface is expected to be opened in the conference.

Those who want to taste the new interface right now, download this link from Chrome Canary. Then launch the browser and enter ‘chrome: // flags / # top-chrome-md’ in the address bar and get the new interface when you start the flag.

Source: Ninefootfig Google

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