Dinosaur clone creation is possible at all?


Prehistoric Monsters Dinosaurs have been wiped out in antiquity. Is Dinosaur’s clone creation possible at all? Scientists have never been able to collect the DNA of this organism. So it is not possible to create clones. However, scientists have found mysterious DNA from dinosaur bones.

But till now they are not sure whether this is Dinosaur DNA. Or the DNA of any other life. DNA of any organism or any other organism. It may be DNA of any insect.

Mary Schuetzer, Molecular Biologist of North Carolina State University, said that it was not possible to collect the DNA so far. So one has not been able to identify yet. So far the mystery is gone.

DNA power can not be blown out of DNA. There is a special bone in the bone, named HydroxyApathite. It has special biomolecule. Those who have a DNA. Many times scientists purified the hydroxyapactite in the laboratory and brought DNA.

Instead, Schweitzer wants to analyze fossil tissues of dinosaurs. For example, the blood vessel It was found in a post-billiated dinosaur phosphate in the 80 million year old.

How long did DNA survive? : In this era DNA will need to be born again in dinosaurs. But the DNA of one life started to erode soon after his death. The reason for this is that the DNA of soil germs, body cells, etc. have been eroded. Sun works on ultraviolet radiation. According to Beth Shapiro, expert of the University of California’s Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department, At one time it will end. Earlier, DNA was found in Fukul of 7 million year old horse from Dhaka river in the snow of Canada’s Yukon. So it is not possible to confirm how long DNA survives. However, according to many scientists, DNA may last up to 10 million to 50 or 60 million years. Of course, depending on the environment in which it is stored.

Dinosaur DNA: Scientists who want to know whether the DNA found in the bones of a diamond is an animal like a dinosaur. At that time there were dinosaurs. There were bipedal and quadruped dinosaurs. There were carnivores and vegetarian dinosaurs. After the death of the dinosaur, the bones of another animal or bacteria can take DNA in the soil.

Exciting cloning: Let’s suppose, scientists have found the full DNA of Dinosaurs. They were able to recognize the whole genome. They got genetic code according to the so-called junk DNA and Viral DNA calculations. Then scientists have to look for a life where the dinosaur clones will be created by setting up this DNA. The source of life of a vertebrate is not possible. During the development of child dinosaurs in the mother’s womb, the duration of genetic and protein conditions will be matched.

Let’s say we got a life for birth. DNA application can cause half-bird or half-dinosaurs.

It comes after morality. It is not ok to have a single dinosaur to see only the extinct animals or to have fun. However, to bring the fullness of the time of genetic diversity, maybe 5 thousand creatures have to be created. If 5000 dinosaurs are cloned, then where will they be kept? What can they do?

To actually clone a single dinosaur, many woodpeckers will have to be burned. Many obstacles have to be overcome. Before that, they must collect DNA. That can not be done yet.



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